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Adult Education Course

Learn with confidence:

Our courses are routinely attended by members of Local, County, and State Agencies.


So learn with confidence in knowing you are learning where the Agencies learn.

What we do?

We teach Land Development and Oil & Gas Professionals in just 3-days, using plain-language, limited biology, and our easy step-by-step approach, you will learn how to identify and document wetlands in the field, how to write wetland reports, and be able to apply for state and federal permitting for any project type. 


Our easy to understand and trusted method is used by many local, county, and state agencies. We even teach the DEP how to identify wetlands - so you can rest easy knowing you're in good hands!

About Us

Who we are:

Wetland Boot Camp is the premiere Wetland Training company in Pennsylvania and the surrounding states.  We have been providing professional wetland training courses for the public and private sectors for 15-years.   Our team has decades of experience both teaching and practicing wetland and stream delineations in the North East United States.   Wetland Boot Camp is an independent training organization and is not affiliated with any government entity, although many host & attend our courses on a regular basis.  

About our courses:

"Good, Solid Course!" 

"It's nice to go back to the office and recommend a good solid course/class.  It's fast paced, yet very informative. They focus on important topics while still catching the details.  Highly recommended."

Construction Workers

Who we help:

We help take the confusion out of "wetland delineation" for engineers, surveyors, environmental consultants, land developers, geologists, landscape architects, non-profits, and alike.  We offer, 1-day, 3-day, and Direct Corporate Training to meet your wetland training needs.

"Workbook will be a tremendous resource for future delineations." 

"The course was great!  It was basic enough for beginners but also there is much knowledge to be gained by an experienced delineator.  The materials provided were great as a starter kit for wetland delineation.  Your workbook will be very helpful moving forward.  Thank you."

How we do it:

We provide an easy-to-understand, non-biological approach to performing wetland delineation, allowing you to quickly identify wetlands.


Our courses are routinely attended and hosted by Local, State, and Federal Regulators to learn our step-by-step approach, with limited biology.  Learn with confidence. 

Image by Chad Madden
Our method

Christopher L. Nix


Instructors that thrive on your success, and love what they do!

Wetland Boot Camp has three full time instructors.  Most of our courses are taught by Christopher L. Nix, who is a practicing Civil Engineer  and Environmental Permitting Specialist with over 20 years of experience identifying, delineating, and permitting wetlands and streams in the United States. 


Chris has passion for teaching wetland delineation, and offers an easy to understand teaching method that has him consistently evaluated as our top-rated instructor.

"Chris was an encyclopedia of information who presented the course in a logical and highly organized manner."

- Kyle S. DeHart

Pittsburgh, PA

"Chris is very well versed and knowledgeable.  He is very approachable and answers everyone's questions. 

-Paul Whealdon

Monroeville, PA


About your Certificate (24-PDHs)

​Your "Wetland Training Certificate of Completion" confirms your attendance and participation in our professional wetland training program, which satisfies the requirements for basic wetland delineation as specified by the United States Army Corps of Engineers’ (USACE).


Your Certificate also conforms to the Pennsylvania Registration Law, and can be used for Professional Development Hours (PDHs) accordance with Section 4.5(b) of the PA's Engineer, Land Surveyor and Geologist Registration Law.


Your Certificate not only confirms your participation in the course, but it also becomes an important personal-asset that should be added to your resume and included with all of your wetland submissions.


There is no formal Pennsylvania or Federal certification for performing wetland delineations. And your Certificate has no legal standing.  Much like your taxes, as long as you use the mandatory guidance in the correct way your submission will be accepted; provided you use the mandatory guidance in the correct way your submission will be accepted. Therefore, specialized-knowledge and proper use of the mandatory guidance is key, so specialized-knowledge and proper use of the mandatory guidance is what we provide.  


Your "Wetland Training Certificate of Completion" confirms your attendance and participation in our professional professional wetland training program, which satisfies the requirements for basic wetland delineation as specified by the United States Army Corps of Engineers’ (USACE).

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